
Redress Alumni showcasing at Paris Olympics 2024

Redress has been invited by France-based NGO, Universal Love to showcase the works of 11 Redress Alumni designers from 9 regions around the world who have been challenged to transform sporting material waste into parures — pieces of wearable art — to be displayed during the 2024 Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games this summer.

Each of our Alumni designers has selected their waste material from a sport personal to them or typically played in their country. The results are a varied selection of aesthetic and sustainable techniques. 

This will be the final event of the Triathlon de la Mode Éthique, a multi-year project engaging French students and designers to creatively upcycle a variety of waste materials from the sports industry into sculptural adornments. The public exhibition organised by Universal Love will feature 90 parures, alongside photographic prints. It will take place at the Saint-Ouen ice rink in the Olympics Village from Friday to Sunday, 15 July to 15 August, 12–6pm.

Laura Borrmeister, New Zealand

Jann Bungcaras, the Philippines

Tiger Chung, Hong Kong

Jesse Lee, Hong Kong

Wen Hanzhang, Canada

Yu Wing Shan, Hong Kong


The Redress Alumni are at the forefront of a new breed of fashion designers prioritising sustainability and circularity as much as desirability and are working to transform the fashion industry for the better.